After a short drive I arrived in Amarillo Texas! I booked this next campground for five nights and six days!

Before going to the campground I stopped at Petco to get some collars and tags for Murray and Sydney. That way if they get lost (well, again in Sydney’s case) then their name and my phone number can be found on their collar tags. I looked into tracking collars but I did not find a reasonably priced one that worked or had good reviews. So these will have to do! I also got Parley a dog bone…he was happy.

I wanted to stay at this campground for a few different reasons. I’ve always wanted to go to Amarillo because of the name. It sounds like Armadillo, I think that’s why. Also, in reading the reviews on this place and on the campground website they talk about a free limo to a local steakhouse. FREE LIMO…and half the reviews said that they were old, and beat up…I could not wait! Ghetto Limo here I come! woohoo…I was so excited!!

Once I checked in I followed the guy in the golf cart who was showing me where my campsite was. They put me near the bathrooms, showers, laundry room and of course the dog park…Parley must have magic to get us this close to dog parks at all these campgrounds!

After setting up the trailer I put up the awning since I had no shade and it was hot! Not as hot as I’ve lived thru in the past, but hot. Then it was off to the dog park with Parley!

The next day I called the front office and reserved my limo ride to the steakhouse!!! As I waited for it to arrive I saw a black one pulled in near my trailer so I walked out there and they said that wasn’t for me. Dang, I loved the bull horns on the front, it was awesome! As I walked back to my trailer I heard another car roll up…that one was mine! Grey and with bull horns on the front!! I got to sit in the front because two couples were already in the back seats.

It was an awesome ride!! Were they old?? Yes. Was the windshield cracked all the way across?? Yes. Was it awesome??? Yes.

I arrived safely at the steak house. The famous Big Texas Steak Ranch & Brewery. I walked in and was told that there was a 45 minute wait! So I did some shopping, found my mom a cool guitar magnet and a ‘Willie Nelson for president’ magnet for my dad. I couldn’t resist. Then I stood in front of a huge stuffed bear while waiting for my table. The place was so packed…inside and out.

And since I’m a vegetarian I decided to order just sides and lots of beer. Especially since I had a safe ride home later! After all it was a brewery, so I ordered ten samples of all of their beers, which came in a double sided wooden holder…yep, double sided!! Some I liked, some I didn’t. And don’t worry, I didn’t drink all of them, just a few. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Great place, they even had fried okra which I haven’t had in Texas for a while…a long while!

After leaving the restaurant doors I walked over to the side of the porch where the limo pick up sign was and waited for the next car. I didn’t wait very long and was able to share my ride with a family. Mom, Dad and two young kids. The driver and I were chatting about my traveling plans for the year and about the pets…the mom of the family asked if they would be able to see my old trailer from the road when I was dropped off. I told her yes!

Once we rolled up to my campsite the driver drove closer so the mom and kids could see the old retro trailer. They thought it was pretty cool! And Parley was sitting in the front window waiting for me to return. They thought that was cool too! Very nice family…well except for the dad.

The whole limo ride the husband was on his phone…scrolling through what looked like facebook. Dude!!! Wake up and enjoy the present moment, enjoy your wife and kids, enjoy life in person, not on your phone!

It annoyed me, probably because this trip has taught me to live in the present, and to be fully present in life…be fucking zen and be fucking present! Sheesh people!!!

The cats were of course their usual lazy ass selves at this campground, and I realized that Sydney sleeps with her eyes open…creepy!

The cats got restless inside, so they were able to go outside and sit in their cage and watch the birds. The birds really mess with them too, which is good, keeps those cats on their toes!

But on day three one of the campground guys on his golf cart came over and told me that I couldn’t have the cat cage up. No animal cages at all. Well…in the rules it said no dog pens up, nothing about cat cages. But I didn’t argue…wasn’t worth it. So I put the cage down and put it back into the back of the truck.

Then I got the cats ready by harnessing them up, putting them in their back pack and I walked them and Parley over to the dog park. They loved it!! Nowhere does it say cats aren’t allowed in the dog park! Especially since they referred to them as pets in all the signs at the dog park. Yeah yeah, just cuz they call it a dog park doesn’t mean a thing…plus, cats are famous for not following the rules.

One of the nights and well into the next day there was a horrible wind storm that blew through the campground. I had to put all the pets inside the trailer, put the awning away, close all the windows and turn on the a/c unit. And the trailer was a rockin’! The wind also turned the whole campground into a huge dust bowl! It was crazy!

On day four I decided I better go get a new battery. Or exchange it…

I went to Auto Zone with my dead battery in hand and they looked up my receipt in their computer. Turns out the battery was still under warranty…and they handed me a new one!!! Score!

I went back to the trailer and installed my new battery! I also hooked up the battery charger my dad installed in my trailer and flipped the on switch so I could make sure the new battery stayed charged! Challenge accepted new battery, I won’t let you die again!

I must confess this as well. One thing I did at this campground that I hadn’t done until Texas…I decided to not wear a bra. Yep…I went there! No one seemed to mind at the dog park…just saying. It was liberating, everyone seemed friendlier!!

I found that I ate really well at this campground! I made a really yummy soup consisting of Cream of Potato soup, corn, carrots and beans all warmed up on the stove top. It was so good! Bought spinach dip and french onion dip and ate it with veggies and chips. And of course I made my usual, eggs, potatoes, fake sausage and toast! Yum…see people, I can cook!

This was a great long stay! And Parley told me every time he saw another dog at the dog park…EVERY TIME!

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14 thoughts on “Five Days in Amarillo and a Ghetto Limo Ride…Score!

  1. Krista, babe… you have all the permission in the world to go braless as much as you want! đŸ˜‰ Love you, girl. I am glad you and your furkids are having a grand adventure. Please stay safe out there! I’m sure Parley will let you know of anything and everything that is nearby! My kitties and Dobies send their ruv too. đŸ™‚ **hugs**

  2. I love this! Go braless, all you want! Live in the moment! I wish I could lol at some of the comments. On the serious side, did all the animal mounts bother you, being vegetarian and all?

    1. Thank you Karma!!! it was quite liberating going braless! The dead animal stuff doesn’t bother me too much. I think it’s a little creepy but everyone has the right to have them. đŸ™‚ I would never have them in my house though, or date anyone who has them. But a few of my really good friends have them in their houses. Texas is for sure a large hunting state!

  3. Oh, my such to comment on. Love the new tags for the fur babies.
    That steakhouse looked really cool and the limo ride, awesome!
    That’s wierd about the cat cage. I don’t see any harm in it.
    The kitties are getting so big!
    I’m glad you are relaxing and living in the moment.
    Keep blogging and enjoying your time soaking in all the new places and sights.
    Live and miss you KSis! Hugs!

  4. glad you are livin the dream. I hope to take a few weeks road trip next summer. Had some mike and Ikes the other day and thought of you.

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