So happy to have gotten my blog back up and running! Thank you to my friend…you know who you are!

I have written a few blog posts so I can get up to speed on where I’m at on this great adventure of mine!

I will get back to my weekly posts this week! woohoo!

As for Murray, I have entered him into a contest where the winner gets $5,000 and an article in Catster magazine! I would love to win this!!

Most of you have been voting every day, and that got him into the quarter finals! Well, unfortunately he has dropped to last place in the quarter finals. So any help in getting him votes to get into the next round would be amazing!! Thank you!!!

Please click on the picture of Murray and you can submit your vote! Voting ends on March 11, at 11 pm EST. Thank you everyone!!!!!

(if the picture link doesn’t work, here’s the link: Murray | America’s Favorite Pet (

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