So now the truck is fixed!! Yeah! Only $800…ugh.

So my aunt takes me to the truck shop and I pick up my truck, head back to their house and prepare to take off. Next stop…Moses Lake.

One thing I did notice while driving to Moses Lake is that my truck was running soooo much better!! It had some power.

I make it to Moses Lake and find out that two fellow Virgos and their husbands are at my friends house, and they are having a birthday party celebration!

Everyone was so welcoming, and one of the couples (you know who you are) has always wanted to RV around the country! They just have to wait for some kids to get out of school…and out of the house. I can’t wait to hear about their adventures when they finally get the chance to take off!

My friend let me plug in the trailer so the kitties had a/c while they chilaxed in the trailer. Parley was out running around with the other dogs, having so much fun! It was hot for sure tho! I had an amazing time with amazing people! Thank you all!

After a very restful sleep, and one with my a/c on for sure, I said my goodbyes and headed out for the next stop…Cove Oregon.

I have talked about Harvest Hosts in past blog posts, but for those that don’t know, its a year long subscription where you can stay for free, or a small fee for power, at breweries, wineries, distilleries, small farms, and ranches.

My first experience was amazing! This small farm was set in the countryside of Oregon. I backed into a graveled space next to the barn for the night. They offered to let me plug in the trailer so I could run my a/c.

Parley had to be leashed and walked away from the barn. The cats had to stay in the trailer as there was a black tom cat lurking around us. He was very sweet to me tho. The goats, that they milked and offered to let me milk (which i declined…i know i know) were very curious about us. They also had chickens milling around the camper during the evening.

And they also had an amazing pig named Jack Daniels. He was so damn cute!

They had veggies and a breakfast plate for sale, which I purchased both at a very reasonable price. YUM.

It was a great place to stay, and I felt very safe there. Which is good! Always listen to your gut instincts Krista…always.

Next stop…Idaho!

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