We even put one of my bumper stickers on the van!!

Our adventure begin yesterday morning at 7:00am. We all decided to meet at a Martin’s house.  He and Dana picked up the rental van the night before. Upon arriving I saw a burgandy mini van in the driveway, with georgia license plates.  It even adorns a peach in the middle of the license plate. Georgia peach or Ron Burgandy is what we lovingly call her.  Once Dana and Beth arrived we played tetris to get everything in the back of the van, we even packed the corn hole game. It gives me visions of us at a rest area…playing corn hole, drinking beer.

For only four of us we realized that we packed quite a bit of stuff…but you never know what you’ll need on this long of a road trip. And as two of us work in an office where one of the main things we do is to teach people how to always be prepared, it probably would not look good if we were caught not being prepared…no bueno.

Georgia Peach has a rocking sound system and even a CD player for all my cd’s I made for the trip!! As the co-pilot starting off I put in my first cd. Once I removed my hand away from the cd player it would go back to the radio. I would place my hand up to it again, and it would switch back to the CD player. After a few times of me moving my hand towards and away from the CD player, I quickly (yes, quickly no matter what anyone says) figured out that the driver, aka Martin, was switching the radio by a fancy button on the under belly of the steering wheel…good one I said, good one.  I could tell we were off to a good start.

Around 10:00 am we drove into Roslyn Washington, before heading back onto the highway we had to go around the round about not once, but twice for good measure.  Screaming the whole way around the second time.

As we got closer to Coer De Lane Idaho we started to call for hotels.  We found a Day’s Inn just off the highway.  Martin and I went in to see a man about a room…that’s when we met George.  He was amazing.  He told Martin that he better be nice to him or he would be watching his ass as he walked away.  All the while wagging his finger at us.  When we asked about a good place for some beers he said there was a place nearby where they have, you know, the H word type of people…homosexuals.  We told him those are our favorite people!  He even baked cookies and they were warm and ready by the time we got back from downtown.

Once we checked in and freshened up we went downtown.  It was beautiful.  We went to the Moose bar and visited with Martin’s nephew, then over to the Tap House for an incredible dinner.  After licking our dinner plates we went down to the boardwalk and decompressed.  It was so calming.  Much needed after being in the car all day.

Afterwards we were exhausted.  We got back to the mini van, went back to the hotel room and fell right to sleep…at 10:00 pm.  Damn we’re getting old.

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