I made it to San Onofre Campground and they told me that I was in campsite P. I drove past it then told my son to guide me into the spot. Well…for some reason the trailer decided to go into campsite O. So I pulled out of the wrong campsite and tried to back into campsite P…nope, my truck and trailer weren’t listening to me.

So my son said that since only one person was in any of the campsites that I should just drive around and pull into my campsite. Nope…pulled into campsite O and I hit the cone marking the side of the campsite…ooops.

Needless to say my son was unimpressed with my directional and backing a trailer skills. So finally my truck and trailer listened to me, but I pulled in a little crooked.

We were in a hurry so I wasn’t able to take a picture of the site before I set it up…and nope, never straightened out the trailer.

I blocked up the trailer wheels and unhooked my power cord then got into my son’s car so that we could head to Lowe’s to pick up my newly purchased generator! It’s one of the quietest on the market, and at this site I did not have any hookups at all. No water, no power and definitely no sewer hookups! This was going to be a fun four days, three nights. I was up for the challenge!

The generator is fairly quiet, and it was a couple hundred dollars cheaper than when I looked at them in Washington State. Yeah! It weighs about 48 pounds without gas in it. and yep, I can lift it into the back of the truck…no problemo.

Met the nice couple next to us. They had a new born baby and just wanted some time out of the house. Parley loved the baby. He was very intrigued by him. Plus, the dad loved Parley too…I think they wanted to take him home with them. Before they left their site he came over to say goodbye to Parley, it was so cute.

My son stayed with me in his tent for two nights, and woke up one of the mornings to go surfing. The neighbor told me it’s amazing surfing on that beach. It must be because there were a lot of people out there at day break surfing!

I didn’t sleep well at this campsite. I didn’t know if it was because of the freeway noise, the train flying by at all hours or if it was the heat!

Not being right by the water made it so damn hot there. But my generator did run my trailer a/c unit! That was awesome!

My son took me, his girlfriend and his girlfriends cousin out to dinner at a really nice brewery! I had mac and cheese and a beer…yummy.

After that we went back to my campsite and had smores around the campfire. It was relaxing!

The animals were in their usual state of laziness…and cuteness.

I did see one vintage trailer and a vintage bus. So cool!

The beach was a little different than the last campsite, but still very nice! There were a lot of sites right on the beach or across the road from the beach. But my site was in the ‘ball field’ they said…which means out in the boon docks. But it was good to see the other campground, and it was beautiful by the water!

They also had showers (free) and a laundry room. Which I used both of.

While at this site I also went thru the trailer to see if there was anything I didn’t need anymore. I got rid of a large garbage bag full of stuff. Mostly clothes…but it’s much cleaner in here now!

It was a short stay, but now I’m heading back to Del Mar Campground, but unfortunately I won’t have power when I’m there. I’ll have to use my generator. On a positive note, I will have water and sewer and I’ll be there for seven nights, eight days.

Which is good because my black tank just started to leak, aaaargggggghhhhh, and I need to finish organizing the trailer!! Never a dull moment with this trip…always something to fix.

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6 thoughts on “No hookups…dry dry dry camping

  1. Looks beautiful on the beach. The kitties look so cute in the bins with thier feet sticking out. Funny.
    Good to hear you got a generator.
    How is the kids book coming along?
    Keep on living your dream KSis!

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