Day 10

My last full day of my trip. Woke up at the crack of dawn to head to the airport in Bergamo. Gassed up the rental car, returned it to the rental car place near the airport, then put on my backpack and headed to the airport.

I was heading back to where this amazing trip started…Dublin, Ireland. I had a hotel reserved for the night and would fly out early the next day. I realized in writing my trip out that I was actually gone 11 days…details, details. Oh well, the last day was just flying anyway, and the first day was for flying too…but I digress.

Once I landed in Dublin it was like I had been there before, oh wait, I had! I went out to the front of the airport to the bus ticket counter and asked what bus I needed to take to get to my hotel, the Latchfords.

Can I say it again how damn nice they are in Dublin! They told me which bus, and the stop to get off. After getting off the bus I had to only walk a few blocks to the hotel. And it was sunny out, not raining like it was when I first started on this trip.

The hotel was amazing! It had a little kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. This was the first time on my trip except for in Milan, that I had my own place. I appreciated both my hosts in Athens and in Bercia for allowing me to stay at their houses, more then they know! But there is something to be said for having your own space. Something I take for granted way too much!

I left the hotel room around 2:00 pm, feeling so amazing after my hot shower, and changing into some clean clothes. Food was on my list…and some Guinness beer!

Ate at a pub and drank some Guinness and I had to see what the other Irish beers tasted like too!. Then it was time to walk! It was so fun to explore the city! I wished that I had more time then I did in Dublin too, but this seems to be the theme of the trip…more time.

Went to as many pubs as I could! Two of them had live music; one a quartet and the other a musician with his guitar. Pictures and video below!

There were a lot of people with pets in Dublin. Very spoiled doggies…these two ladies stopped to pet and love on a dog that was waiting for his owners to get out of the store.

As the sun went down I decided to see some of the sights as I walked back to my hotel. It was fairly safe walking the streets at night. My boyfriend was with me, but I would have felt safe walking around by myself there. I stayed out of the alleys, or the sketchy looking neighborhoods, and that was just fine with me!

I went back to my hotel room to get some sleep and to pack for my early morning flight.

My belly was full of food and beer, my face contained a big smile and my head was full of amazing memories from my whirlwind trip!

I will be back to all of these countries…I will be back.

6,684 steps in day 10

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