While day dreaming about my travels I have been putting a list together of all the places I want to go, all the things I want to see and experience and I’m slowly becoming a meteorologist. Well, sort of…

Here are some places that are on the top of my list to visit:

  • Maine: because if you fold the United States in half, Maine and Washington State would touch. Weird, but something I’ve always wanted to do since i was a child and realized that Maine is the east coast Washington.
  • New York: because this was at the beginning of my original escape plan, to live in New York for at least a month. This plan will now be revised so that I can stay in a campground near New York city so I can experience the city all that I want…cheaply.
  • All of Florida: I went to Florida this year and I drove around the bottom half of the state and loved it. I want to do more adventuring, I want to go on the hovercraft and pet alligators…yes I do.
  • New Orleans: Again, I know I was there this past year, but two days was just not enough time to truly explore the area…plus it was frigid cold when I went, I want to not have to wear a coat and hat when I’m there.
  • Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park: nope, never been there, always wanted to go…nuf said.
  • Nebraska: Have always wanted to go there, I even looked up real estate there last year. Not sure where this all came from, but yep, Nebraska.

I’m adding to this list as places keep popping into my brain, and if I hear about a place, then I research it and figure out where, how, why, etc.

I also have a bucket list. Things that I want to see or experience. I’m not too particular where these things happen, but it’s been fun to google where these things can be accomplished!

Some of these items are:

  • Seeing wild horses run on the beach (yes like Nights at Rodunthe)
  • Seeing an alligator close up in the wild (from a hovercraft)
  • Spending Christmas in a quaint little town (similar to who-ville with tree lighting festival and carolers)
  • Singing karaoke in a country bar in a country town (song choice: any man of mine)
  • Ringing in the New Year some place I’ve never been before whether it’s in Times Square, on a lake in Nebraska or on the beach in Texas, just want different
  • Riding on a subway
  • Sailing thru the air in a hot air balloon
  • Staying the night in the camper at a winery
  • Watching as many sunsets as I can

Both lists continue to grow, and it’s so exciting to me!

But…the tricky part is to figure out when to visit each of those places, or do any of those items on my bucket list. As this year has been a very very weird weather year all over the country. Hence me becoming a meteorologist…at least attempting to be.

Now onto the ‘meat of it’…work on the trailer has screeched to a halt. Dang.

But my dad has been going thru all the paperwork for the trailer. I have all of the original owners manual’s and all! It’s pretty cool. So, he asked me to get a large three ring binder and some sheet protectors to start compiling all the info on the trailer. This will be fun!

My parents small remodel of the their kitchen has given me some tile for my back splash in the trailer! Perfect colors and perfect size!!

I’m hoping that things will slow down in my life just a little so I can go spend some time on the trailer. I will need to buy a new battery and two propane tanks so we can check the electrical and gas lines!

I’ve been also thinking about painting the outside of the camper. I have free paint in a lovely military dark grey color that I will probably end up painting it. And then I will paint a giant daisy that wraps all around one side of the trailer! I can see it in my head and I hope the outcome is what is in my head, cuz then it will look really cool! Fingers crossed!

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4 thoughts on “So much to do, so much to see…

  1. Okay, so you need to add Carlsbad Caverns to your list and consider Tranquility or Harmony as your trailer name. ?

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