Image-1 (12)Day 10 of the road trip.

We all woke up smiling, remembering all the fun we had the night before watching the UFC fight with locals of Colorado.   We headed out of the hotel, the Shining hotel, and started driving towards Salt Lake City, Utah.  Our good friend John lives there now, and we were heading straight to him.  He was extremely generous in allowing us to crash at his family house on our way through Utah.  He’s a great friend.

We stopped at Perkins around 12:30 which turned out to not be a wise time or place.  It was Sunday, and the after church crowd was there in full force.  It reminded me of when my Grandma Maxine was still alive and we would take her out to eat with her walker.  Good times.  Right mom?  You know what I’m saying here.

I will say that it’s always interesting to me what people will say to strangers.  A very nice women and her husband were at a table near us with their baby granddaughter.  She told Beth her whole life story…she even said, ‘Look at that, I just tImage-2 (1)old you my whole life story’.  They were amazing grandparents to that little baby.  They were such  positive people despite what they were having to go through with their daughter, it was good to see that.

After stuffing our faces with way too much food (that’s why we are so fat America…portion sizes…sheesh) we headed back on the road.  Beth was a freaking trooper, she drove the whole day…we kept offering to take the wheel but she was on a roll!

Around 3:00 pm we stopped at a rest area somewhere in either Wyoming, or Utah…lord knows, all the states are blending together at this point.  We stopped at whatever rest area we were by and as the three of us, me in the back, sat in Ron Burgandy with the windows up, car started and eating red vines licorice staring ahead, a guy stands in front of RB with a thumbs up and says, “Nice Red Vines!”.  I thought he said, “Nice Red Van!”.  So I rolled down the back window and said, “It’s a rental.  We like to call it Ron Burgandy”  His family and Beth and Dana were all laughing…at me.  He said, “No…I was talking about the licorice your eating.  I have a whole tub in our car too!  But the van is nice too!”  I started laughImage-3 (1)ing.  hahaha.  Vines vs Van on day 10 of the road trip…my mistake.  It was a good laugh for the day.

We arrived in Henefer, Utah around 7:00 pm.  We met John at the local volunteer fire department and followed him to an awesome house in a quiet area in the foothills.  It was so nice.  He even had his favorite sister bring us pizza for dinner.  I know it is his favorite sister because she said so…and she brought us food with one phone call from John.  We have never even met her before that day.  I love that.  His family is awesome.  He seems really happy moving back home and being closer to family and friends, especially his daughter who we also were very honored to meet.   It was good to catch up with him.  He even invited Beth and I back down for a ride along at his fire station…I will be taking him up on that offer soon.

After some beer and pizza, John left us at the house for the night because he had to go to work the next morning and was staying at his daughters for the night.  We were so tired after driving all day that Dana and Beth crashed early.  I stayed up and watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.  Great movie.  I’m a hopeless romantic, so I can never get enough of those types of movies.  After the movie was over, I turned off the TV and fell asleep…happy.

Thank you so much John and your wonderful family for your hospitality…it was sooo appreciated!  See you soon.



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