Over the last year or so my trailer has been sitting in the garage of my K sis and her hubby. Which has been so perfect as I was not ready to start working on it and it needed to be out of the elements.  So grateful!

I went and visited my trailer there last weekend.  It had gotten washed and the water damage was about to be repaired.  The tire was flat, it just needed air.  But it made me realize that I do need some better tires on the trailer.   I’m adding that to the list and the budget!    

I’ve been slowly saving money with an app called digit.  It takes money out of your bank account a little at a time without you realizing it.  I’ve saved over $400 without any hardship.  So simple!  I will continue to keep the app, even when I’m traveling to continue my savings plan.  

I put together a budget for when I’ll be full time traveling.  With an estimated cost for fuel, campgrounds, food, cell phone, insurance, entertainment, maintenance fund and other miscellaneous expenses.  The grand total…drum roll please…I’ve estimated about $2,000 per month.   

My current plan is to be gone about a year.  If I feel like continuing to explore North America I will, but I may want to broaden my horizons, go explore other continents!  Never know where I might end up!!!

I will be picking up my trailer this Sunday and will be bringing it home!  

Then the real fun begins!  The redecorating, the cleaning, the organizing, the making it my own!!!

Once I have the trailer modified to my exact specifications I will begin taking it out on short trips.  I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone National Park.  I would love to see both those places, and they are close enough for me to drive to and back.  It will be a test run to work out the kinks before I move into the trailer full time.

My lease is up on the house I’m renting on August 1st.  I have decided to sign another year lease.  This will give me time to plan, time to get rid of more stuff, to save more money and to get my business in a place where I can take off and be able to work remotely.  My new target date to begin full time travel is August of 2020, if everything works out as planned.  My leave date has been postponed twice in this adventure planning of mine, but I’m going to go with the flow and hopefully it works out this time.  

Now I just have to name the trailer!  Not sure if it’s a girl or a boy, and I’m not sure what to name it!  Any suggestions???

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Views: 60

4 thoughts on “I’m a Travelin’ (wo)man…almost

  1. It reminds me of your little blue three wheeler! I think you should name it after you take your first trip in it. You know, become ONE with it.

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