After leaving the Del Mar Campground, again, I was headed back the same way I came, except this time I was passing Victorville and heading to Newberry Springs, CA.

I had booked two nights at the Newberry Mountain RV & Motel Park. The gal on the phone when I booked the sites was very nice. They were full, but she could put me up front by the office with full hook ups. Yes!

I should have paid attention to the temperatures there, but I didn’t. Damn it was hot…really hot.

I arrived late in the afternoon and I setup camp and quickly went into the trailer and turned the a/c unit on full blast.

It was hot! I got the temperature in the trailer down to 70 degrees…it was still hot.

The next morning I woke up early and did some laundry and took a tour of the campground while taking Parley for a walk. It was really nice. It had two ponds with ducks, a small pool and a laundry room. I felt very safe there.

I did have some problems with the laundry room dryer though. And it was due to my stupidity. I didn’t realize I had to double up the quarters in the slot…when I just put one quarter in each slot it wouldn’t take it. duh girl…double the quarters up. Sheesh, it only says 50 cents right above it.

I had to get inside the trailer before noon because it was going to be hot again today. I blasted the a/c inside until dark. I got it down to around 70 degrees inside the trailer again, it would have to do.

The pets were not happy with the heat.

The next morning I was up really early and I loaded everything up and headed to our next spot…Needles CA.

The boys were wondering what the heck we were doing up so early.

I had booked a KOA there. I bought a KOA rewards card thingy. I get points for each time I stay at a KOA and after so many points I get a free night. It was only $33 so I thought I might as well.

The KOA was called Needles KOA…pretty easy to remember.

I had accidently put in the wrong address to the KOA. Not sure how that all happened, but I ended up at Historic Route 66 California Gateway Site…it was pretty cool. I did a u-turn up the road and parked and took pictures. Then I entered the correct address into my gps and headed off again. Back tracked eight miles.

The KOA was nice! It had a cool store with Route 66 paraphernalia in it, along with some groceries and RV stuff.

I got my site and got set up.

It was already really hot…no, I mean really hot. And it was about to get hotter. I should also divulge that we were right on the edge of the Mojave Desert, so that may be why it was so hot. It was full of roadrunners too! I tried to get a picture but they are fast little critters…beep beep.

It was so hot outside that the coolest the a/c could get us to was 90 degrees and sometimes 85 degrees, depending on the time of day. Around noon I couldn’t stand the heat and seeing the pets suffer, so I walked to the store (and almost caught on fire) and bought a bag of ice and an ice cream sandwich.

I made little cooling pads for the cats. I put some ice in baggies and laid them out with a towel under and over them. The cats loved them! I even put some baggies of ice on top of them too.

Parley was not a fan of the ice bags…at all!!! He was afraid of them. So he just got a cold washcloth wiped on him. He wasn’t thrilled about that either. He ran from me and hid under the table to avoid both at all costs.

I put the rest of the ice bag into my big pot and let it melt. The animals appreciated the cold water to drink. And the cats loved smacking the ice cubes down, they thought that was fun.

The temperature at 6:27 pm was 102 degrees…ugh, way too hot!

I called ahead to the next campground I was going to and asked if I could come a day early. they said yes! Thank God! I don’t think I could do this heat for another day…and I know the pets were done with it too.

I set my alarm for 7 am the next morning, determined to get the hell out of satans butthole, and went to sleep with my a/c still blaring.

For some reason, things got weird…and no, it wasn’t heat stroke.

Around 6 am or so the cats were freaking out in the trailer. Meowing and running over me trying to wake me up. Parley was sound asleep next to me snoring, so I knew that someone wasn’t next to the trailer, or he would bark. (I just keep telling myself that)

So I sat up and tried to focus as it was early, and it was still a little dark. I looked over at the door…it was open. shit. Somehow the door to the trailer, that was shut and locked the night before was slightly ajar…ummmmm what?

My next thought…the cats. crap. They both were outside! I grabbed their treat container and started calling them and shaking the treats. They both ran back into the trailer. Phew. Then as soon as I unlocked and shut the door (yep, it was still locked on the handle), my bathroom door flew open. WTF.

I looked at all the animals and said, “We are getting the fuck out of here…now!”

So I loaded everything up, without care too. I usually wind up my extension cords, and my water hose before we leave. Nope, I grabbed them and threw them into the trailer. We needed to leave…now.

The front office was still closed when I rolled out at 7 am, just as my alarm was going off.

I figured I wouldn’t get my money back for the second night, but I was wrong. As I was driving to the next destination the KOA called me and asked if I had left, and I told them yes, because of the heat, they refunded me for the second night that I didn’t stay there. So damn nice of them. It was a very cool campground and I would tell people to stay there. But don’t go when it’s that hot unless you have a really strong a/c unit and you want to just sit in your trailer for most the day. Sloth like…

On to the next place!!

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4 thoughts on “It’s hotter than the devils butthole…

  1. Yikes! You totally had a poltergeist! Also, I’m pretty sure I missed the part where you found your cat? I’m so happy you did!

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