Day 4

Woke up mid morning, realized when I woke up I didn’t know where I was at first. Then I remembered…Athens, Greece! A-T-H-E-N-S G-R-E-E-C-E! So surreal.

Went to a small to-go breakfast place. Had a pastry filled with spinach and an orange juice. The food and drinks are so good, and NOT filled with sugar. Makes everything taste much better! For desert, yes, desert was eaten at every meal, I had cinnamon bread…freshly made. Ate my breakfast in a nearby park. Beautiful morning.

It was partly cloudy out, but very warm. Eventually it would turn to sunshine and then into a beautiful lightening storm.

Arrived at the Erechtheion ruins on Acropolis, just as the sun came out from behind the clouds.

The Erechtheion (or Erechtheum) is an ancient Greek temple constructed on the acropolis of Athens between 421 and 406 BCE in the Golden Age of the city in order to house the ancient wooden cult statue of Athena and generally glorify the great city at the height of its power and influence. The Erechtheion has suffered a troubled history of misuse and neglect, but with its prominent position above the city and porch of six Caryatids, it remains one of the most distinctive buildings from antiquity.

Online Ancient History Encyclopedia

I had broken my sunglasses on the flight from Vancouver Canada so I needed to purchase new ones. Lucky for me there was a vendor on the walk up to the ruins who sold sunglasses…score!

Once I arrived at the ruins I could feel the energy…the energy of this place is amazing. To think this was all built so many years ago is so interesting to me. There were lots of tourists there and I was there on a Monday…in October.

You had to purchase tickets in order to get thru security on the path up to the ruins. The tickets were under 20 euros per person for just the Erechtheion ruins, and if you wanted full access to the whole mountain top it was under 40 euros per person. I only wanted to see the main attraction, plus I was on a time schedule and needed to be back off the mountain within a few hours.

These pictures do not do this place justice…seeing it in person was priceless!

Another interesting thing about Athens is that everywhere you go there is marble. Marble benches, marble floors, marble steps, marble everything!

Upon leaving the ruins they guide you down a cool path right by government buildings, and houses. I thought this gate and what was behind it was cool!

They also have street musicians and vendors on the walk to town from the ruins. Lots of cool things to see when you walk around town too!

I’m currently getting rid of things for my future move into my camping trailer but I had to get something in Athens…so I bought a ring for myself! Love this!

I even saw this awesome display of wooden bikes…wooden bikes!!

After the walk through town it was time for a nap…was an awesome nap too! I love the laid back way things work in Athens. Naps are good!

Woke up from my nap and went out to dinner. Ate at dinner at a local Greek restaurant…family style! Lots of different foods to share for the table. There were many courses of food; yogurt with oil and olives to dip bread in, roasted veggies, cabbage wrapped beef with eggs and lemon sauce roasted lamb, cheese, veggies in tomato sauce and plenty of Greek beer! It was delicious. Of course I did not partake in the meat parts of the meal, but everything else I did…and it was so good!

After dinner we went up to the Chapel of Saint George Lycabetus. It was a little bit of a hike up a spiraling walk way and it had just started to rain.

First you arrive at a restaurant and bar. They were playing Greek techno music when I arrived. Only a few people were there because most the seating was out in the open. Things seem to stop in Athens when it rains.

You keep walking up the trail and you arrive at a cool church and some amazing views!

After taking it all in, it was decided that we needed to have some drinks…and dessert of course!

Along the way I found my store…well, almost the same spelling as my name…Krista.

It was pretty quiet downtown at the bars, so I made my way into this awesome ice cream store. They had a cold stone that they poured ingredients onto and it turned into ice cream. I chose coconut milk, banana and chocolate. That was all that was poured onto the cold stone…and voila, ice cream!

It was another amazing day in Athens!

Here’s a short video of some of day 4!

Stay tuned for more of my trip! I have six more days to blog about!

14,361 steps taken in day 4

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