As we made our way somewhere near the Alabama border, but into Georgia (here are the coordinates since my mapping software didn’t give me an address: 32.034784, -85.024798 but my picture said it was Webster County) it started to get dark.

And I don’t mean dark, I mean darker than any dark I have ever known. And I lived in Alaska for three years!

No street lights, barely enough room for just me to get through not to mention the huge semi’s who passed me because I wasn’t going very fast on those curvy turns. Obviously the truckers were used to that road. Me? I had no fucking idea where I was going…I was just following my Apple Maps.

My Apple Maps has never failed me yet…never. (knock on wood) So I continue to follow it blindly and trust that it knows what its doing.

We turned off the already dark road, and turned onto a dirt road (even darker), and that road led us through some fields, and then into the woods…it got even darker.

I could almost make out the banjo music if I listened hard enough.

There actually were a lot of people camped out in this primitive campground with a boat launch.

We pulled into what we thought was a spot…it wasn’t, it was parking spaces. Ooops. Because I wasn’t using my brain, we hooked the generator up so we could get the trailer all nice and toasty using the plug in heater, instead of turning on the trailer furnace (powered by propane). Sigh. Oh well, another lesson learned.

We got the trailer up to about 90 degrees on the inside, then quickly made something to eat, put away the generator (as it was an external one), and then wrapped up in my REI sleeping bag and all the blankets, along with all the pets snuggled up against us, and we feel asleep quite quickly.

Then the morning came. I woke up because my teeth hurt from how cold it was in the trailer. The sun was up, but it was about 30 degrees cold in the trailer. I got to the truck and started it…turned the heater on full blast of course!

Ran back and grabbed the pets (who actually didn’t care about the cold as much as we did) and then went out and took some pictures now that I could actually see where we were.

The park was beautiful!!

As we were leaving the saying that I always say (that makes Lisa Marie mad every time I say it) Everything Happens For A Reason came true.

As we were driving out of the woods and out of the road that was between two fields we came upon a really cool part of the road. Here we took a really cool picture! And this is where the cover of my book picture was taken!! See, if we wouldn’t have gone to this spot, we wouldn’t have such a cool picture!!

See, everything does happen for a reason! lol

Next we were on our way to Florida! St. Augustine Beach KOA for two nights.

As we drove down the road we stopped to see if we could capture what happens to the trailer when any vehicle passes the trailer. We had been pushed around quite a bit that day on the highway! Even though most the semi’s were awesome and didn’t pass us too closely or ride the bumper of my trailer.

Here’s a short video of what happens:

It was a long drive to get there…again. But we made it! And it was a pull thru, full hookup site…with street lights! Yeah!

It was late, so we ate dinner and lounged. The animals needed the rest too! Too much driving for them as well.

The next day was Christmas Eve!

We showered, walked around the campground and mainly stayed inside the trailer with the heater on.

Christmas was than upon us…and it was the coldest it had been in over 20 years…of course it was. It was all over the news feeds for days for the lower cities. But I was in northern Florida, so that meant where I was got colder!! That I can attest too!

But it was Christmas, and I got breakfast made for me…what an awesome Christmas present! YUMMMM

We had to leave the campground before 11 am, so we packed up and headed south to Sebastian, Florida. It was getting harder and harder to find places to stay in Florida. Unless we wanted to pay ungodly amounts of money to stay in a field. This is why I don’t like southern Florida…on the east coast side.

As we drove south we had to find a place to stop where we could do our family zoom Christmas party! As I was looking on the map I found a beach called Beverly Beach! Well, I had to stop to take pictures. This was my moms name, and it was where my parents have the beach cabin! Even Parley approved…especially since the sun was out!

Next we stopped at the Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area (say that five times fast) to log on to the family Christmas zoom party bonanza! As we entered the state park the really nice Park Ranger asked us if we had reservations, I said no, but asked if we could just go in and sit in their parking lot so I could join the zoom Christmas party. He smiled and said of course…$5 please! And so I gladly paid the man, and we parked in one of the parking lots near the water. It was really a cool spot…even had gators!!

After the Christmas zoom party we kept traveling south to our site at Vero Beach Kamp. We would be there for three whole nights!

Once we arrived we setup camp, and then relaxed. The pets loved this spot too! We got showers, and did laundry! Plus our neighbors were very nice! She said that if her husband died and she wasn’t 80 years old, then she would definitely be traveling like me…in a vintage trailer. She was a hoot! Probably going to be me in about 30 years…

During those three nights there, we drove down to the beach…it was so beautiful! It said no dogs allowed in the park (aka beach) but I did see some doggy prints in the sand. Sorry Parley.

I also got to do some cooking! Yep, my kind of cooking…pudding shots! (yes Tina Marie, cook and serve pudding…had to do it!) YUMMMMMMY!

And when it’s raining and cold outside and the dog has to pee…just put him on his leash and let him go out by himself! Responsible dog ownership…hahaha

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