The weather has been pretty good lately and I have been going out and working on the camper. But it’s hotter than hell in the thing when the sun is out, so I’ve been limited to certain hours during the day. It feels like a hot yoga class sometimes in there.

My dad came over and helped me get the sink and the faucet out…thanks dad!! And he’s offered to help me work on it!! I’ll be taking it to his house the middle of this month!!

Dad can help me do some wiring and in getting the water, propane, batteries and everything working properly! Need to clean out the water tank too!

Until then, I’ve been working on getting as much done on the camper as I can. And to throw a curve ball into my plans…we have to move at the end of July. The owners of the house we are currently renting have decided to move back home…two years earlier then we thought. But our wonderful property manager had a house lined up for us!! We will be moving a few blocks up the road. I will be moving into one of the smaller rooms this go ’round which will help me get rid of even more stuff!!!

Ok, back to the camper update…

I cleaned out the whole trailer…scrubbed and swept! Even cleaned up some little mouse poop. It looked old, but if it isn’t my friend Sandra told me what to buy to get rid of the little rodents.

I then begin to primer the inside, and even my cousin/roommate Maggie helped me!

Parley likes to come out and watch me work, but we had to put him inside when we started to paint. He tried to lick the paint…WTF.

We got the first coat done…check it out in the video below!

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